Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Baby Boy!

My little boy is all grown up! Yesterday we got
to go to the school and meet his kindergarden
teacher! I can't believe it. Actually I can, he has
been wanting to be in school for the past year
and a half! Now he gets to. He will be starting
on Monday. After we left his classroom and
loaded into the truck he asked if that was the
playroom, we told him that that will be his
new classroom. You could see the wheels turning
in his head. I wonder what he was thinking.
I know what I was thinking. . . . I was remembering
the day that I got to seem him for the first time
(not drugged up, that is key). He was so little and
skinny and long! I remember what a little
monkey man he was!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cloudy Day

Pretty fluffy clouds. . . Last week was a
cloudy one, and we even got some
rain too! Woo hoo!

Gotta have a popsicle break!!!

Mmmmmmm popsicles. . . .

My sticky girl eating her 'cicle!

Pretty, and it was so nice out too!

Fixer Uper's

I have been working on some projects in and outside of the house. I have built a compost bin out of pallets, but I still need to add the chicken wire to keep things from blowing all over the place.

I have built two garden boxes but have only dug out an area for one and it still needs to be filled in with dirt. I am waiting for a craislist post for free fill dirt!

I have also painted our downstairs powder room. I have been very ambishous lately! Wow!

Water Babies!

Here are the kiddo's splish'n and a splash'n!

Water Babies!

Here are the kiddo's splish'n and a splash'n!