Saturday, December 17, 2011


A couple of days ago we had some very thick fog.

It was crazy! I was driving into Mesa and it went all the way to Ellsworth and Pecos!

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Eva's All About It's

I was talking recently with my sister Andrea about phrases that kids say and use all of the time until they find another one that they like.  Right now Eva's phase is "I know all about . . . . " So I decided to record her all about it's:

Monday, December 5, 2011


Sunday we took the kiddos to see the lights at the Mesa, AZ temple.

They loved it! They were oooing and aaaahing the whole time.

I totally get that.

It really was quite beautiful. We had a great time.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It has been so nice walking the boys to school!

The walk home is fun. I get to visit with Eva.

On the way home the boys talk about their day and their friends amongst themselves!

I am glad that they are so close.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Festivus For the Rest of Us

Today my aunt Gaylene invited us to a festival at Poston Butte High School.

James scored himself some donuts.

A guy brought his beefy truck and was letting all the kiddos crawl up in it for pics.

Ethan got in it and started freaking out seriously screaming to get down. Jake wouldn't go in it cause he was scared.

Of course my little princess had no prob.s getting in and going for a ride!!!

That is her in the back holding a bag of candy in her hand!! Woo hoo girlie power!!!

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blustery Night

When we came downstairs this morning there were no kids to be found.

James checked out back and there they were, but something very big was missing!

Our tent (full of bedrolls and blankets) that had been properly staked had blown all the way across the yard and over the 7ft block wall!!!! We had to trek to the horse pasture behind our place to toss it back over the wall.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011


Eva got a couple of costumes from her brothers to add to her dress ups!

She got a Go-Go girl and Spider girl dress ups.

James picked out a Cinderella doll and Cinderella Wordrobe that comes with dress up excessories! Good picks pops!

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Here We Come

Here is Batgirl (woman)!

She got so much booty that we had to bust out the Easter buckets!

Jake was the red Power Ranger!

Jake scored the most candy! Eva got tired and didn't want to keep going up for loot.

Mr Spiderman pants showing off his web throwing skills!

He got tons of candy too! I'm not sure how Jake got more than Ethan.

Ethan looks bummed cause he was sick after school from eating so much crap there that I told him he couldn't have any candy unless he ate his dinner which I bet you can guess the outcome of that.

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Trunk or Treat

The kiddos had tons of fun Saturday at grandma Harmon's and grandma Chapman's Trunk or Treats!

They ate their booty on the long way home!

Even James got his Halloween on!

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Monday, October 24, 2011


Jake had his BDay Friday and is now 6 years old! Man time flies. It seems like yesterday he was my big chunkers baby with the biggest, fattest, cutest, roly poly legs ever!

Now he is getting so dang big and is still the cuddly boy who can't stand two minutes without giving someone a big squeeze!

Jake, I loves you and am glad your my kiddo!

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A Day In The Life

So on the way home from walking her bros to school girlie girl had to hit the sprinklers!

After she was thoroughly soaked to the bone she of course had to change into proper princess attire to watch her toons. Go you girlie!

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Thursday, October 20, 2011


The flu season is upon us.  Last week we all got it and i got it again this week too.  Bummer.  Not only is flu season upon us but so is birthday season for this household.  As I am getting my strength back I have realized I have approximately 2 days to get my tornado of a house in order for Jake's BDay party Saturday.

He is soooo excited!  I just hope I can get it all done in time (cross my fingers). I am sure it will all get done, but what would life be without stressing out about it unnessisarily right?! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kreg Jig

The Kreg Jig is definately on my with list.

 It is for pocket holes.  I want one really bad.  I love building things, and for those of you who may not know, pocket holes are bit more hidden and out of the way so that you cannot see the screws that hold pieces in place.  It is great for screwing corners together at an angle so that the screw doesn't go wonky and go through the other side.

I learned about this item on Anna White's blog. Here is a video about them. (click on Here).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Awards Assembly

The boys had an awards assembly Friday. They both did really well!
James got to go to this one so it was pretty cool!

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cast Iron Fryer

James' parents have one of these and I thought it was so cool I had to get one!  I have now had mine for a couple of years now and I love it!  I use it for chips, onion rings, fish, chicken, anything that needs frying gets dunked in this bad boy!  I also love that it has a lid that also doubles as a frying pan.  This fryer has definately been worth the buy.  I use it all the time.

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

So the kiddos have been on fall break so we have been working on their bike riding skills. Mr Ethan got the job done!

He is now bike riding pro! Woo hoo!!!

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Monday, October 3, 2011

The Simpson's

Okay, I was in my room sitting on the floor and Eva was in there watching Sesame Street when she walks up to the T.V. leans in and says, "I like you T.V.".

Ear Phones

Okay. . . for those of you who don't already know I am a hugemongous Pinterest addict! I found somone on Pinterest who makes wraps for earbuds and I just knew that I could hack it.

When tying a knot you tie it twice to knot the knot. With the earbuds you tie it once (as pictured above) and then flip it to tie the yarn again flipping each time after it has been tied. You do need to leave a long tail when you first begin so that you can continue tying.

It was very time consuming but definitely worth the effort. They don't get tangled up anymore and it keeps the cords safe from little hands!

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Thursday, September 29, 2011


I am a big time Amazon fan.  You can get so many products so much cheaper through them with relatively small shipping fees.  I will be posting about and listing products that I have purchased through them.  I may occasionally include items that are on my with list but I will try to stay towards things that I have already purchased. 

This week I have listed a small batch canning book that I purchased last year.  I enjoy canning and I wanted to learn more about small batch canning as well.  When trying out a new recipe it is nice to do a small batch to see if you like it or if you want to tweak it a bit.  This book has a lot of recipes and there are also some companion books that I am interested in purchasing.  They do new books each year with new recipes! 

I have not tried any of the recipes from this book, however, I have gotten ideas from it and have used that knowlege towards my canning.  If you are new to canning it is not safe to experiment with recipes until you know what is safe to do and what is not.  I like to tweak recipes to my liking.  I will be posting more about canning in the near future.  Apple Butter season is upon us and I also like to do apple sauce.  If you are interested in learning the steps to canning let me know and I can be more informative in my posts.

Monday, September 12, 2011

James and the Giant owie

Man. . . . if it's not one thing it's the other! James has had a really bad ear infection since Thursday.  He has been very doped up all weekend because he has been in so much pain.  He has had a blessing (for those of you wondering) and he is doing better today.  He no longer looks like the living dead. So, hopefully he won't be struck with anything else. (Knock on wood)

James is going to be starting an Etsy business soon so we will keep ya posted on that.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Eva likes to have homeworks like her big brothers sooo. . .

We play school for her to practice her school stuffs!

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Friday, September 2, 2011


I know I haven't posted in awhile.  If you had not already heard James broke himself a few weeks ago. 
A ladder decided to slip out from under him and he pulled some tendons and has been wearing a boot.  He had a Dr.s appt. Wed. and is healing good.  He still has pain but is doing good.

They boys are enjoying school and have been having a blast having playdates with their school friends! Eva has adjusted to being the only kid at home and has Rose for a playmate.  She has fun playing with her friends as well.

We have been having fun at the pool after school with the boys and during for Eva.  James took a day off Monday because of his foot hurting and went to the pool for wome aqua therapy and we ended up getting charred. 

We are all doing great and I will try to start posting more regularly again!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hair Drama

Okay. . . so Eva got a bunch of gum stuck in her hair. I was very bummed because it just started getting long and now I have to cut it!

After cutting all of the gum out i decided that i could just give her some bangs. Thank goodness!

She asked me to put a ribbon in her hair so that she would look like Snow White.

And decided to start posing!

She is a crazy!

What a bunch of sillies!

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Monday, August 8, 2011


Here is James resting his foot on Friday.

Today james went to the doctor to find out what the dealio is.

Dr. Allen was super nice and Eva scored herself a foot lolly!

Luckily James only chipped part of one of his bones and tore some ligaments. He only has to wear a boot. We were worried he would have to get surgery.

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