Friday, November 27, 2009


The past two years I have been straddling the fence on whether I like turkey anymore. Now that I have actually hosted Thanksgiving and prepared a turkey, I can say without doubt that Inot only do not like it anymore, but am disgusted by it. I can pick apart and cut apart a chicken, but just preparing the turkey I threw up and carving it I had two near misses.

I am now converted to having ham for Thanksgiving. Other than the turkey incidents I had a fun day and although I was dead tired by the afternoon, hosting wasn't as stressful as I thought that it would be. Everyone helped out and made it enjoyable!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Campout

The past two days I have been cleaning, doing laundry, and knitting when I get a break in. Yesterday was upstairs today is down.

Sunday I thunked the turkey into the fridge to thaw. We are crossing our fingers that it will not be half frozen on Thursday.

Starting tonight James is off until Monday. We are planning on having a campfire in the back and James is going to see if he can sleep in the backyard tent (a dome tent that has been dubbed since it has been up since the summer) by himself if he waits until after the kids are put to bed. We will see. I forsee that the mini campers will suggest camping while there is a fire. They are a very persistant bunch.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Eva's B'day Bash

My little princess! She had such a fun time!

I don't know how she was able to walk around in her heels
but she did a great job of it!
Thank's everyone for coming and having fun with us!!

Trick or Treat!

Here are my cutie pies! They were so excited to wear their costumes. Especially my cyber hero's!

They totally raked in the candy at the trunk or treat!