Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a nice quiet Thanksgiving this year.  My mom and my sister Stephanie came by.  Between us we still had enough food to feed an army.  We really didn't even touch the appetizers and I may have been the only one who went back for thirds a couple of hours later.  There was so much of it! 

That night James was a good sport and set up the dome tent in the back yard.  The boys and I had a cold night out (James had to work the next day so he stayed inside for his alarm).  Ethan ended up barfing, so about 5am we moved everyone inside.  We will have to try it again next weekend.  (I still haven't cleaned it out)  My knee went out again on Friday, so I am hop along Joe again. 

Very frustrating.  Hopefully it won't last too long.  I have really enjoyed going for walks every morning after I drop Ethan off at school.  And I have finally been able to keep up with the downstairs housework again.

We will be doing our Christmas decorating tonight (if James get's off of work on time) so,  might have some pic's tomorrow.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yesterday afternoon I decided to clean the garage.  Ethan was in the house finishing his homework and Jacob and Eva were playing on the driveway.  It got really quiet, I went to check on them, and they were gone!  Oh my gosh. . . . can I say Aaaaaaaaaah!  I looked around the middle part in my street and they were no where to be seen I got Ethan and got in the truck and started driving around.  There were a few people outside of their homes and asked if they had seen them and they said no.  Oh my gosh!  They were very kind and started to help look.  I drove around the park and the streets by it with no luck. I met back up with my neighbors and one of the ladies called the police for me (yes mom, now I know what it feels like).  I left my phone at home so I went back to get it really fast and thought that I would just check with our next door neighbor Toni.  I ring the door bell and it takes her a minute because she has a dog and she is older.  She opens the door and there they are.  Thank the heavens they are safe!  She said that they had been ringing her door bell and she let them in and was feeding them.  She said that she called and left a message.  I asked her to please not let them in if they did it again.  They were probably over there for 15 minutes, but that is definately eternity when you can't find your little ones and horrible thoughts are going through your mind.

If you haven't already, give your kids a hug today.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ethan has lost his very first tooth!  Not only did he loose his first tooth, but he lost it as well.  It fell out at school and he lost it there.  He was bummed.  He now has another tooth that is loose and is looking forward to loosing that one as well.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Park Play

There is a good sized park right next to Ethan's school.   After we dropped Ethan off to school this morning we hopped on over to the park to play with Jr. (Jacob's friend).   We had a blast!

When it was time to go Jacob hung his head and was sad.

They can't wait to play with Jr. again!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Very Princess Birthday!

Eva definately had to wear her Halloween costume to her Birthday party.  Thanks to Aunt Steph she got some more bling to add to it! 

We had so much fun and are glad that everyone that could came out to celebrate our little honey's 3rd  birthday!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Ethan (Iron Man)  at his school Halloween Parade.

Jacob just had to be Iron Man too.  His costume is silver and Ethan's is gold.

And last but certainly not least. . . Eva just had to be a fairy princess.  The kids raked in a TON of candy.  They went to 3 count them 3 trunk or treats, snaked candy that we were handing out Sunday, and of course Ethan scored big at school as well. 
 It has been a very sugar coated weekend!