Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a nice quiet Thanksgiving this year.  My mom and my sister Stephanie came by.  Between us we still had enough food to feed an army.  We really didn't even touch the appetizers and I may have been the only one who went back for thirds a couple of hours later.  There was so much of it! 

That night James was a good sport and set up the dome tent in the back yard.  The boys and I had a cold night out (James had to work the next day so he stayed inside for his alarm).  Ethan ended up barfing, so about 5am we moved everyone inside.  We will have to try it again next weekend.  (I still haven't cleaned it out)  My knee went out again on Friday, so I am hop along Joe again. 

Very frustrating.  Hopefully it won't last too long.  I have really enjoyed going for walks every morning after I drop Ethan off at school.  And I have finally been able to keep up with the downstairs housework again.

We will be doing our Christmas decorating tonight (if James get's off of work on time) so,  might have some pic's tomorrow.

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