Friday, September 2, 2011


I know I haven't posted in awhile.  If you had not already heard James broke himself a few weeks ago. 
A ladder decided to slip out from under him and he pulled some tendons and has been wearing a boot.  He had a Dr.s appt. Wed. and is healing good.  He still has pain but is doing good.

They boys are enjoying school and have been having a blast having playdates with their school friends! Eva has adjusted to being the only kid at home and has Rose for a playmate.  She has fun playing with her friends as well.

We have been having fun at the pool after school with the boys and during for Eva.  James took a day off Monday because of his foot hurting and went to the pool for wome aqua therapy and we ended up getting charred. 

We are all doing great and I will try to start posting more regularly again!

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