This park is so beautiful!
We went hiking and a few of the brave ones did a bit of free hand climbing.
Here are Bob and Jeff.
Jake made it about 4 feet barefoot. Go Jake!!
We had a lot of fun.
The soil was a bright orange soft silt.
This hike was easy since we had the kiddos with us.
Bob scaled part of the mountain that had this angled part. The mountain is straight up and someone had left a rope from climbing. He went to investigate.
It is a sheer drop. Very pretty but intimidating from my point of view.
Ethan resting in the shade.
Up where it is shady some pioneers wrote their names/dates with axle grease. It was pretty cool to see that.
James and Bob went for a closer look. It was pretty amazing. The guys decided to go on a more complicated hike so the kids and I headed back. We all had a great time.
Plus, and more importantly, we got to have a wonderful time visiting Bob, Amanda, and cutie pie baby Daniel. He is so adorable!! Thank you so much for letting us come visit you. We miss you already!
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