Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gilbert Riperian Preserve

Saturday was a fun one! Jameshad a hankerin' for some Old Country Buffet breakfast so that's where we went.

Can I say that I think that is the most food that I have ever seen my kids eat anywhere!

(Beehive) Then we made a stop at Half Price Books and scored is a nice pile of books.

Then, we went to the Raperion Preserve. It was beautiful and overcast the whole time.

The boys had fun, but Eva had a huge case of the whines today.

For dinner I had a hankering' for some sushi but since I can't get anyone to go with me I had to settle for mediocre sushi at a buffet. Definitely as good but quelched my craving.

Good times! I loves me my fam and the time we get to spend together!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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