Tuesday, September 29, 2009


James' company got a contract for an assisted living retirement community that is going to be built it Utah. They will be starting this winter and will last about a year and a half. He will be going up at a week or two at a time. It will be interesting to see what he thinks of working in the cold.

I am sad, but it is also a blessing that he has a job that will have work for him. He has busy during these summer months, but I wasn't sure how the winter would go. Here in AZ no one is really willing to go without their A/C, but the winter is a different story. I wasn't sure what his hours would be like, but this should keep him busy.

Ear Infections and Waffles

Jacob was laying around all day yesterday. Today he woke up crying about his ear hurting. Ethan came and sat down by me and asked, "Why does Jacob keep getting sick?". Good question. Poor Jacob is going through all of it. It started a couple of weeks ago with the stomache flu, then last week he had a sore throat and high fever for a few days, and now his ear.

Poor guy. Thankfully, I happened to already have some numbing ear drops from the last time that Eva had an ear infection. I don't know how much more that Jacob can stand. Of course he hasn't had anything serious, thank goodness!

Today was a waffle morning. Thanks to Eggo's! Jacob wanted his blueberry waffles and he got them! He is tired of orange juice and really wanted milk, but I gave him Kool-Aide instead.

It has been so nice in the mornings and I have been dying to start walking, but that will have to wait until Jacob is better. Sigh.

Monday, September 28, 2009

No School!!

Ethan currently has fall break which lasts for two full weeks! Woo hoo, I get to sleep in! I miss the summer sleep in days. I know, I know. I am up kind of early writing this post. It is because our shower curtain bar hates us and fell down a lot of times this morning when James was attempting to take his shower. I was actually amazed to not hear any muttering or throwing of the stupid thing into the closet.

So here I am begining my day. When I gave my hubbers his 'see ya later, don't fall through any attics' kiss I found the air outside to be a bit on the chilly side. I think that I will take the kids on a morning walk about.

Take some advise from the Brady Bunch and have a Sunshine Day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The flu has officially hit our house. Jacob and Eva have been lying around for the past two days with fevers. Jacob has been complaining of having a sore neck (throat) and I haven't decided if Eva is teething still or if she is coming down with something too.

Next week is the start of Fall Break for Ethan. He gets a full two weeks off. Hopefully Jacob won't pass what he has off to Ethan.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine

There is Sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright. . . .

Monday, September 14, 2009


Man oh man! There has been a lot of barf at my house lately. Poor Stephanie can attest to that! She was the latest target/victim of a lot of it. She came over for dinner last night thinking that she would have a nice visit. We were in the middle of watching The Sound of Music and (Jacob was laying on her) he sat straight up and projected it everywhere including Stehpanies unfortunate lap.

Last week it was Ethan and now Jacob. I suppose that it will be Eva's turn this coming weekend. For her sake I sure do hope that I am wrong!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I just realized that my previous title has nothing to do with the content that goes with it. I was going to write about how I love reading other people's blogs and then I never take the time to add to mine. Oh, well. . .

Are you there?

I love visiting my favorite blogs that show me new craft, recipe, gardening and life ideas. Then, I think I haven't done a post for a while on mine. I don't have anything new and fun to share, blah, blah, blah. . . .

I have been stock piling paint. The walls in our home are white and paint is expensive. Each week as I go shopping (Walmart baby!) I always stop by the 'Oops!' section in the paint department. I have found and purchased a few gallons this way and they are always at least 50% off of the regular price. I have even been finding colors that I was already thinking about purchasing ( evil cackling laugh while tapping my fingers together near my face, ah hah, hah, hah, hah, hah!!!! ). Woo hoo! Score for me!

I am soo incredibly cheep. I absolutely hate spending full price on anything! James has been wanting me to get a cell phone to be able to contact me whenever. . . and I get a little bit excited and think that would be fun. Then, I start looking around at different phones/plans and I just can't get myself to have to purchase a phone and then pay a hefty monthly bill on top of it. Not me! We went shopping at Fry's Electronics a couple of weeks ago and I saw an incredible invention that you can purchase an attatchment for your phone that you can use with your internet connection for basically free local and long distance service. It is like $20 a year. I am so going to go back and get it! I already pay that monthly for only local service. What the heck am I thinking?!

I can't wait for fall tempuratures to come. I want to start walking Ethan to and from school and right now it would be cruel and unusual punishment to make my kids endure these harsh conditions. They still get sweaty waiting in the truck with the A/C blasting when we go to pick
him up!