Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yesterday afternoon I decided to clean the garage.  Ethan was in the house finishing his homework and Jacob and Eva were playing on the driveway.  It got really quiet, I went to check on them, and they were gone!  Oh my gosh. . . . can I say Aaaaaaaaaah!  I looked around the middle part in my street and they were no where to be seen I got Ethan and got in the truck and started driving around.  There were a few people outside of their homes and asked if they had seen them and they said no.  Oh my gosh!  They were very kind and started to help look.  I drove around the park and the streets by it with no luck. I met back up with my neighbors and one of the ladies called the police for me (yes mom, now I know what it feels like).  I left my phone at home so I went back to get it really fast and thought that I would just check with our next door neighbor Toni.  I ring the door bell and it takes her a minute because she has a dog and she is older.  She opens the door and there they are.  Thank the heavens they are safe!  She said that they had been ringing her door bell and she let them in and was feeding them.  She said that she called and left a message.  I asked her to please not let them in if they did it again.  They were probably over there for 15 minutes, but that is definately eternity when you can't find your little ones and horrible thoughts are going through your mind.

If you haven't already, give your kids a hug today.


TrishAnderson said...

Oh my goodness. What a scary thing to go through. I am so glad you found them safe and sound.

Kristi Patterson said...

I am happy they were safe. Last night I had a dream that the two year old twins on my street were missing and I was out helping the mom look for them. When I woke I was so happy it was a dream.

I would not of let kids in my house unless I asked the parents.

The Craft Clan said...

Oh my scary. I'm so glad everything turned out okay.