Saturday, November 24, 2012

Waiting at REI for their used sale!!

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Court of Honor

Ethan had to Bob for apples as initiation for getting his Bobcat.

It was a little more tricky than he thought it would be!!

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gilbert Riperian Preserve

Saturday was a fun one! Jameshad a hankerin' for some Old Country Buffet breakfast so that's where we went.

Can I say that I think that is the most food that I have ever seen my kids eat anywhere!

(Beehive) Then we made a stop at Half Price Books and scored is a nice pile of books.

Then, we went to the Raperion Preserve. It was beautiful and overcast the whole time.

The boys had fun, but Eva had a huge case of the whines today.

For dinner I had a hankering' for some sushi but since I can't get anyone to go with me I had to settle for mediocre sushi at a buffet. Definitely as good but quelched my craving.

Good times! I loves me my fam and the time we get to spend together!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The kiddo's are doing well in school so far.  Eva had a hard time the first week adjusting to new kids and a classroom.  She is doing much better this week.  She is making friends and having fun! The boys are doing great too! They received homework this week and are doing great!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1st Day Back

Everyone excited and raring to go back to school. Ethan woke up early and proceeded to wake Jake and Eva. They were dressed and ready to go like an hr and a half before school!

The kids get to veg in front of the TV until 4 each day afterwards. Gotta have some down time to unwind from usin the ol' noggin!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kiddos are so excited for the 4th that Jake woke everyone up at 5:10 this morning!

I had to stop by the $ store for some July 4th supplies.

They were very excited to have their very own flag too!!

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Cloud Dough

Thank you Pinterest! I found this recipe for cloud dough. It's not like playdough. It's like wet sand but softer.

Cloud dough is crumbly like sand but can stick together when pressed.

The recipe called for 8 cups flour and 1cup of baby oil. I used the recommended flour but upped the oil to 1 1/2 c. It may depend on how dry/humid your area is.

The kiddos loved it!!

(the plastic containers are the lids from disposable aluminum trays)

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

How cute is my girlie?!

She had to stick the pencil behind her ear when she saw that I was taking pic.'s!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pool Day!

Kiddos needed some cooling off time! At lunch it was 104 F. Uugh.

Yay for water!

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

School Lunch

The schools here I the big HOT AZ offer free breakfast and lunch to school age kiddos.

We have definitely taken advantage of it. It is a great way to break up the day and the kiddos love it since they take their lunch during the year.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Zombie attack at the Harmon's!!!

I have introduced a couple toons (Recess and Kim Possible) to the kiddos (via You Tube).  They are plastered to the T.V.  Of  course they do have to complete their chores before they can become zombies. I think we might have tomorrow be a game board day.

Monday, May 28, 2012

AMF Bowling

When I was checking online for fun cheap things to do this summer with the kiddos I found AMF.

Kids bowl free all summer (excluding shoe rental). They can play 2 games every single day. A summer pass for up to 4 adults (excluding shoe rental) is only $30. Woo hoo!

We went this last Saturday and kidnapped Isaac too!

We all had fun!

This was Eva's very 1st time bowling and she kept getting her groove on.

Eva even beat her brothers!! Woo hoo girlie!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grandma's (Chapman) House

When we were last at grandma's Eva decided enough was enough and that it was high time that the Sesame Street toy was no longer possessed.  Unfortunately, toy tools are not as effective as real ones!

Ethan was very proud of his work here with these blocks.  I must say that he did a cool job with it!

Welcome to Booger King!

James decided that it was high time to teach his boys about Booger King.  Ethan got the giggles and kept saying, "Welcome to Booger King come on in!".

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Snow Canyon State Park

This park is so beautiful!

We went hiking and a few of the brave ones did a bit of free hand climbing.

Here are Bob and Jeff.

Jake made it about 4 feet barefoot. Go Jake!!

We had a lot of fun.

The soil was a bright orange soft silt.

This hike was easy since we had the kiddos with us.

Bob scaled part of the mountain that had this angled part. The mountain is straight up and someone had left a rope from climbing. He went to investigate.

It is a sheer drop. Very pretty but intimidating from my point of view.

Ethan resting in the shade.

Up where it is shady some pioneers wrote their names/dates with axle grease. It was pretty cool to see that.

James and Bob went for a closer look. It was pretty amazing. The guys decided to go on a more complicated hike so the kids and I headed back. We all had a great time.

Plus, and more importantly, we got to have a wonderful time visiting Bob, Amanda, and cutie pie baby Daniel. He is so adorable!! Thank you so much for letting us come visit you. We miss you already!

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St George Temple

We stopped by the St George temple on Saturday. It is soooo beautiful! There is a rose garden that is wrapped around the entire temple grounds.

It was my first time here and I have to say that I was captivated by it's beauty.

Of course we took some family pic.s along the way.

The kids each had their chance to take a picture. This was Ethan's.

Jakes (Eva was obviously excited about it).

And Eva's.

We had to do some silly ones too!

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